The Scottish phrase “auld lang syne” means “old long since” — or days gone by, times that have long since passed but remembered with fondness
Here are the full lyrics to 'Auld Lang Syne' so you don't mumble your way through it
Say What? Find Out the True 'Auld Lang Syne' Meaning and Why We Sing It Every New Year's Eve For Auld Lang Syne
Old traditions for the New Year
What does ‘Auld Lang Syne’ actually mean? To me, the New Year’s Eve song means plenty. The Jackal, the Fox and Auld Lang Syne
Closing time for Ed Aloise and Claudia Rippee as they turn the page on ‘Republic of Campo’ on New Year’s Eve 2022
You eat with your eyes first, and Campo was always big on presentation – like for this charcuterie board